
My iphone ring tone!

I have just got my new iphone! A white 32 gb, sooo nice! Guess wich song I have as ring tone?! I guess you all know that it is a song with Milan, right?! Everytime it rings the telephone now plays his wonderful "Face"!

Someone else who has a Milan song in the mobile phone? ^^

3 kommentarer:

  1. My mobile phone plays Milan, too, when someone calls me. And he's also my alarm clock. :D

  2. Hello! I'm from Mexico, I love Milan so much! all his songs, in my phone have his hits on video and mp3, when my boyfriend calls me it sounds "Balkan, Balkan, Balkan... hey Balkanjeros..." :D

  3. Great! Nice to see Mexican people here also :-) Welcome!
