
About Milan.

Milan was born the 9th of September 1987 and became famous by an Idol-like contest in Serbia, "Zvezde Granda". The 22-year-old star won almost all the competitions in the program 2007. And since then everything has gone to his anointed, and Milan is known for his eccentric dress and distinctive appearance. Milan Stankovic leaves no one untouched - some love him, others provoked by his success. But one thing is certain - the media and fans follow all his steps.

Who am I then, who writes this blog? I'm a blonde ;) swedish girl who watched eurovision song contest this year and completely fell in love with Milans song Ovo je Balkan. After the show I started to look for the song on Youtube and found all other videos about Milan and from then I´m stucked ;) What a nice guy he seems to be! So loveable, kind and friendly. He seems so happy all the time and I really laugh everytime I watch him, even if I don't understand serbian very well ;)
I really hope that someday Milan will be famous abroad also so he can come to Sweden and sing... I know a lot of tv shows he could join here!

6 kommentarer:

  1. Du er ikke den eneste, hehe :u) Startet på akkurat samme måte for meg...og når man først er hooked, hjelp! La oss få ham til norden!!!

  2. Yeees! It has been a pleasure to get him to Norden! I would love to go to Norway to see him :-)

  3. I wonder if he will give any concerts or performances wherever in Europe the coming weeks/months. Any idea? It's hard to find out these things... I also wrote the first comment -but we can keep it in English;)

  4. StrangeDarkSoul2010-06-15 09:08

    I hope that he'll make a Europe-tour sometime, that would be really cool :) But yeah, unfortunately it's hard to find out these things and I have no idea if something is planned or if he thinks about going to Europe.. :/ I think we just have to wait and see what happens..

  5. hey :)
    i just fell the same about milan, i watched ESC and i totally fell in love with him :)
    i love this page here, because i don't understand serbish at all (i'm from austria)
    so keep on writing :)))

  6. Vad kul att någon från Sverige gör en blogg om Milan, det e svårt att hitta info och sånt eftersom man inte kan serbiska, men du verkar ha lyckats rätt bra ändå ^^. Jag "hittade" Milan på samma sätt som du, genom ESC, och jag gillar hans stil och hans låtar extremt mkt, har kollat på massor av interjuver och sånt. Jag ska definitivt följa din blogg :)
