Milanomania SWEDEN

Official birthday videos!
Great job girls! I hope Milan is happy today on his day!
I like the same music!
I totally agree! Oh my god it's goooood, Jason Derulo with "In my head"! I hope Milan in the future will sing songs like this, it would suit him!
Milan news!
New songs?
I get butterflies in my stomach, look at his SMILE :))
Radmilas birthday!
Milans birthday present for her was a visit to a spa center in Belgrade. Pool, sauna and champagne. To keep the privacy he rented the whole placce :) Lucky her! He is soooo sweat!
This picture is so cute:

The song "Bolje Ona Nego Ja" with Radmila is really good, I like it a lot!
Milans wish became true.
Interview @ Suncane Skale.
They are talking about his appearing in Suncane Skale, were he got a price for the best festival appearance in the last year. Also they speak about the support from his family and fans during ESC 2010. It seems that the reason of why he hasn't performed after eurovision is that he don't have something new to show, but he says he is working on that.
He give him self credit for his looks but would be happy to have a stylist to work with in the future. It is important to be different in show biz!
Milan is happy about his fans!
Milan is thrilled over all his support he gets from his fans in Europe! In this video above he says that he is fighting because of the fans.
In the interview they say:
J: "Your fans are worried and they ask how are you reacting on all this articles from magazines (about fight with Grand)"?
M: "I'm lucky because it's so much of them so I'm not worried and they are my biggest support and for them I'll keep fighting and how I am reacting? Well, as you can see I am not reacting and people who are calling themselves journalists are writing lies and they are going to receive some demands and when all that passes, we can work normaly again."
He is really sweet to always mention his fans and I think this is the right way to see him in a concert sooooon, very sooon ;))
After this video, published this article. It says:
"Since his fans discovered him, they are the biggest reason for a fight, a video interview he gave to Story portal made a big interest and was soon translated into english and posted on YouTube under the name -Milan Stankovic fighting becuase of fans-, the general enthusiasm his international fans. It is known that the young singer has formed fan clubs in Germany, Lithuania, Poland and Sweden, so it is not surprising that words of praise coming from all parts of Europe. Milan are enthusiastic of the reaction of his fans and are endlessly grateful for the trust and sincere support."
Do you see? They are mention the SWEDISH FANCLUB!!! Wow I´m so glad! We are a lot of fans from Sweden who always will be there for him!
Fans goes crazy ;)

Dress designer
I like the song she sings, "Bolje ona nego ja", a lot.
Latest concert.
Send a "happy birthday"-picture to Milan!
Send your e-mail to:
Come on people, get creative and make this surprise for Milan!

A dream come true.
Here he is talking about the "Zvezde Grande" finale wich he unfortunatley didn't won.
Translation from Youtube:
"Finals of Grand...It was really traumatic.Never before I didn´t have so much stage fright. Everyone was saying and I felt that I was a favorit.It was great but I had more responsibility.When I pass in second round I choose an easier song and the harder "Kao moja mati"and"Krasiva" left for my next performance.I couldn´t imagine I will fall out.When the manifestation started I was already prepared for my next song.I didn´t expect I will tip out. When they called my name I was in shock...!"